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Validity and Use of the UV Index

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Non-Ionizing Radiation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Non-Ionizing Radiation Workshop, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 10-14, 1992. IRPA-Publications. The Institution of Nuclear Engineers, 1 Pnerley Road, Catford, London, SE6, GB.

Table of Contents

Introduction to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields
M Repacholi

Comparison between radiological protection against ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
HP Jammet

Perception of risk: the social context of public concern over non-ionizing radiation
S Rayner and LW Rickert

Ultraviolet radiation: sources, biological interaction and personal protection
C Roy

UV radiation: risk limitation and protection of the public
BFM Bosnjakovic

Visible (light) and infrared radiations
AF McKinlay

V Delpizzo and WA Cornelius

Measurement of optical radiations
DH Sliney

Physical aspects of RF electromagnetic field interactions
M Grandolfo and P Vecchia

Biological effects of radiofrequency fields
MA Stuchly

Current RF safety standards
DH Sliney

Extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields
JH Bernhard

Extremely low frequency (ELF) electric fields, biological effects and health risk assessment
P Czerski

Extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields
JH Bernhard

Extremely low frequency magnetic fields, biological effects and health risk assessment
P Czerski

Carcinogenetic potential of extremely low frequency fields
MH Repacholi

Standards on extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields and their rationales
M Grandolfo, P Vecchia

Static electric fields and magnetic fields
MH Repchaoli

Measurement of electromagnetic radiation below 100 GHz
KH Joyner

VDT work - an occupational health hazard?
U Bergqvist, BG Knave

Occupational health - a physician's viewpoint as exemplified by radiofrequneny radiation concerns
B Hocking

Medical devices. Non-ionizing radiation standards
JC Villforth

International activities and development of non-ionizing radiation protection guidelines
A Duchêne

Quantities and units for non-ionizing radiation protection
D. Harder