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Ilkka Laakso
Dr Ilkka Laakso is Professor of Electromagnetics in Health Technologies at Aalto University, Finland. His research focuses on theoretical and computational bioelectromagnetics at both extremely low and radio frequencies. Special interests are electromagnetic dosimetry for human exposure assessment and biomedical applications of electromagnetic fields. He received the Master degree in electromagnetics and circuit theory from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, in 2007, and the PhD in electromagnetics from Aalto University, Finland in 2011. He subsequently spent four years in Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, as a a postdoctoral researcher, Research Assistant Professor, and Research Associate Professor. He is the secretary of Subcommittee of EMF Dosimetry Modeling of IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety and a working group chairman. Ilkka Laakso joined the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in 2016 and the Main Commission in July 2024.
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Contact Ilkka Laakso
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