Composition: The Commission membership consists of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and up to 12 members. Commission members are independent experts in the scientific disciplines relevant to non-ionizing radiation protection (biology, epidemiology, physics, bio-physics, medicine). In carrying out their voluntary work for the Commission they do not represent either their countries of origin or their institutes. ICNIRP members are required to declare any personal interests in relation to their activities for ICNIRP. Members' declarations of personal interests are available below along the member's profile.
Election: Members are elected to the Commission from nominations received by current members, by the Executive Council of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), the IRPA Associate Societies, and by national public authorities for radiation protection following an open call for nominations published on the ICNIRP website. The election takes place every 4 years at the last ICNIRP Annual General Meeting before each IRPA Congress.
Duties: The duties of the Commission include:
- Formulating and implementing ICNIRP policy in accordance with the Charter and resources available.
- Specifying, prioritizing and directing the ICNIRP work plan.
- Providing chairmanship and scientific expertise to the Project Groups and coordinating their activities according to the needs of ICNIRP.
- Reviewing and approving proposed ICNIRP publications.
- Fostering cooperation with other organizations in the field of non-ionizing radiation protection.