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Scientific Secretariat

The ICNIRP Scientific Secretariat is based in Munich, Germany. It is responsible for the daily management of the Commission and performs administrative, scientific and communication tasks. It acts as the interface between the Commission and the national and international stakeholders, the press and the public. The Scientific Secretariat also provides support in the organization of all meetings and workshops and the edition of the ICNIRP publications and website.

As per the ICNIRP Statutes, the Scientific Secretary is a member of the Executive Board, together with the Chair and Vice Chair but has no voting rights in the Commission voting procedures. The Scientific Secretary is nominated by the Commission members for four year renewable. Work is on a voluntary basis. The Scientific Secretary is seconded in its work by the Deputy Secretary, who is employed by ICNIRP.

Scientific Secretary
Dr. Dan Baaken

Dan Baaken is a Scientific Officer at the Competence Center EMF of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection in Germany. Dan is an Epidemiologist who has a broad experience collaborating within international NIR organizations. 

Since July 2024 Dan is serving ICNIRP as Scientific Secretary. As such he is also a member of the ICNIRP Board together with the Chair and Vice Chair.

E-mail: Dan Baaken

Deputy Secretary
Karine Chabrel

Karine Chabrel holds a Master in Public Administration from the University of Konstanz, Germany and a Master in European NGO Management from the University of Kufstein, Austria. She joined the Scientific Secretariat of ICNIRP in 2000.

E-mail: Karine Chabrel
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