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Composition: Project Group (PG) consists of members of the Commission and the SEG when additional expertise is needed. PG members are selected by the Commission members.

Duties: Project Groups are set up to assist ICNIRP in performing its projects as per its work plan. These entities are dedicated to fulfill a specific work plan task such as the preparation of the ICNIRP draft documents or the organization of a workshop. Upon completion of the task assigned, the PG is dissolved.

Chronic UV Exposure
ICNIRP PG on Long-term Effects of Chronic UV Exposure

Task: To review current evidence for long-term effects of chronic UV exposure and update guidance.

Membership: Nigel Cridland (Chair), Young Hwan Ahn, Ilko IlevKen Karipidis, Alberto Modenese, Rachel Neale, Tsutomu Okuno, David Sliney

LF Guidelines (≤10 MHz)
ICNIRP PG on Low Frequency Guidelines (≤10 MHz)

Environment and EMFs
ICNIRP PG on Environmental EMF Protection

Task: Draft a statement on environmental effects of EMFs on the basis of qualitatively reliable scientific papers. And, if possible, to analyse whether the current human exposure guidelines are also sufficiently protective for plants and animals in their natural environment.

Membership: Eric van Rongen (Chair), Rodney Croft, Frank de Vocht, Ken Karipidis, Isabelle LagroyeBlanka Pophof, Martin Röösli, Andrew Wood

RF Knowledge Gaps
ICNIRP PG on "knowledge gaps relevant to the ICNIRP Guidelines for limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz)"

Task: Draft a research agenda in regard to the knowledge gaps identified during the development of the RF guidelines as relevant to protection guidance.

Membership: Carmela Marino (Chair), Rodney Croft, Akimasa Hirata, Guglielmo d’Inzeo, Gunnhild Oftedal, Martin Röösli, Eric van Rongen, Soichi Watanabe.

LF Dosimetry Review
ICNIRP PG on LF Dosimetry Review

Task: Review dosimetry studies, which are related to LF guidelines (typically < 10 MHz).

Membership: Akimasa Hirata (Chair), Seungyoung Ahn, Francesca Apollonio, Yinliang Diao, Luca Giaccone, Jens Kuhne, Ilkka Laakso, Micaela Liberti, Sachiko Kodera, Tongning Wu

Observer: Rodney Croft

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