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Funding & Governance

Funding stems from subsidies granted by national and international public institutions such as the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety , and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the European Union, the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), the New Zealand Ministry of Health (MoH), and Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). Occasionally, ICNIRP also receives support to organize meetings or workshops from national ministries or radiation protection agencies. Funding is reported yearly in the ICNIRP annual reports. ICNIRP greatly acknowledges the support received. 

ICNIRP is grateful for support from national or international public organizations as institutional, projects or annual grants. Note that the ICNIRP views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or other granting authorities. Neither the European Union nor any granting authorities can be held responsible for them. Read more on how to support ICNIRP. 

GOVERNANCE: Independence & Transparency
ICNIRP is free of vested interests. ICNIRP's budget relies on support granted by public bodies. Additionally, ICNIRP members and ICNIRP SEG members can not be employed by industry. They also are required to comply with the ICNIRP policy of independence and declare their personal interests. All declarations are publicly available on the ICNIRP website next to the ICNIRP SEG (Scientific Expert Group) and ICNIRP members' profile. ICNIRP also publishes its annual financial report online. Finally, all ICNIRP draft guidelines are made available online for public consultation ahead of final publication.

These are key elements to ICNIRP’s commitment to independence and transparency, which ICNIRP believes is fundamental to carrying out its scientific mission.

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