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Public Consultation

As part of the guidelines development, ICNIRP presents its draft guidelines for public consultation to encourage comments from anyone with an interest in the subject, experts and non experts. From this interaction we believe that the draft guidelines get substantially improved into a clear and consistent document. They are given the necessary attention to details required by a public health document to provide safety for both general public exposures and workers exposed to radiofrequency fields as part of their occupational duties. 

The draft of the ICNIRP Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz) was available for public consultation from 11 July to 9 October 2018. The draft was comprised of the main guidelines document, and two appendices. After the 90 days consultation period, all comments are given to the ICNIRP members for review and finalization of the draft. Information regarding the publication date will be displayed on the ICNIRP website in due course. 

At the time of publication, feedback will be provided via the website on how ICNIRP dealt with the comments. For time constraints, no individual replies will be formulated. ICNIRP reserved the right to publish all comments, either anonymously or with the identity of the reviewer upon explicit consent. Insulting comments or such comments not related to the documents in consultation will not be published. 

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