Scientific Expert Group
Composition: The Scientific Expert Group is composed of experts selected on the basis of their outstanding scientific credentials in a discipline relevant to NIR in biology, epidemiology, physics, bio-physics, or medicine and the ICNIRP work plan tasks. They carry out their work for the Commission on a voluntary basis. In doing so they do not represent either their country of origin or their institute. ICNIRP SEG members are required to declare any personal interests in relation to the activities of ICNIRP. SEG members' declarations of personal interests are available below their profile.
Election: SEG members are elected from nominations by members of the Commission, the Executive Council of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), the IRPA Associate Societies, and national radiation protection agencies following a call for nominations. The election takes place every 4 years in general at the beginning of a new term of office after the IRPA Congress.
Duties: The SEG supports the ICNIRP Commission in fulfilling its mission and specific tasks in the work plan. Depending on their expertise and availability, SEG members are invited to join specific Project Groups set up to cpmplete a work plan item. Within the PG, SEG members participate mostly in the preparation of draft recommendations.