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Scientific Expert Group

Composition: The Scientific Expert Group is composed of experts selected on the basis of their outstanding scientific credentials in a discipline relevant to NIR in biology, epidemiology, physics, bio-physics, or medicine and the ICNIRP work plan tasks. They carry out their work for the Commission on a voluntary basis. In doing so they do not represent either their country of origin or their institute. ICNIRP SEG members are required to declare any personal interests in relation to the activities of ICNIRP. SEG members' declarations of personal interests are available below their profile.

Election: SEG members are elected from nominations by members of the Commission, the Executive Council of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), the IRPA Associate Societies, and national radiation protection agencies following a call for nominations. The election takes place every 4 years in general at the beginning of a new term of office after the IRPA Congress.

Duties: The SEG supports the ICNIRP Commission in fulfilling its mission and specific tasks in the work plan. Depending on their expertise and availability, SEG members are invited to join specific Project Groups set up to cpmplete a work plan item. Within the PG, SEG members participate mostly in the preparation of draft recommendations.

Seungyoung Ahn
SEG Member - PG LF Dosimetry Review

Seungyoung Ahn received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea, in 1998, 2000, and 2005, respectively. From 2001 to 2002, he was a Visiting Associate Research Fellow of SIMTech, Singapore. From 2005 to 2009, he was a Senior Researcher in Computer Systems Division in Samsung Electronics. From 2009 to 2011, he was a Research Professor at KAIST to develop the magnetic resonant wireless power transfer system for electric vehicle applications. He is currently a tenured Associate Professor in Cho Chun Shik Graduate School of Green Transportation at KAIST. His main research interests include the electromagnetic field (EMF) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of wireless power transfer systems. He has published over 200 technical papers on electromagnetic field and wireless power transfer including over 80 journal papers. He is serving as an associate editor in IEEE T-CPMT, IET Electronics Letters, and MDPI Energies. Seungyoung Ahn was elected Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in November 2020.

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Francesca Apollonio
SEG Member - PG LF Dosimetry Review, PG LF Guidelines

Francesca Apollonio received the Doctorate degree from the Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 1998. Since 2000, she joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome as Assistant Professor and since 2019 she is Associate Professor. Presently she is Chair of the National Commission CNR-URSI, Commission K “Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine”, while she has been member of the same Commission since 2011. Since 2016 she has been National Representative for the Action COST CA15211: “Atmospheric Electricity Network: coupling with the Earth System, climate and biological systems” (Electronet) and since the same year she acts as Review Editor for Frontiers in Public Health–Radiation and Health. From 2015 to 2016 she has been Technical Program Committee Chair for the Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA), BioEM2016. From 2014 to 2018 she has been Member of the Working Group – EMF dosimetry in the COST EMF-MED (Action BM1309): “European network for innovative uses of EMFs in biomedical applications”. From 2012 to 2015, she served on the Board of Directors of the Bioelectromagnetic Society. From 2008 to 2012 she has been Expert Member in the Coordinated Action COST BM0704 “Emerging EMF Technologies Health Risk Management” and from 2004 to 2008 she has been Expert Member of the Technical Working Groups in the EMF-NET “Effects of the exposure to electromagnetic fields: from science to public health and safer workplace”, 6th Framework Program. Her research interests include the main aspects related to the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological systems with particular reference to keywords as electroporation, smart drug delivery, molecular simulations of complex systems and implantable and wearable medical devices. Her research activity is supported by more than 80 papers on peer-review journals. Francesca Apollonio was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in November 2020.

Contact Francesca apollonio 

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Anssi Auvinen
SEG Member - PG LF Guidelines

Anssi Auvinen has a medical background and has worked in the field of epidemiology with a special interest in health effects of radiation since 1989. His publication record covers roughly 250 articles in scientific journals and his research interests cover both cancer risk and radiation effects on other diseases, and he has conducted studies on electromagnetic fields, as well as ultraviolet radiation. He has been the principal investigator of the Finnish Interphone and COSMOS studies. Prof. Auvinen works currently at the School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere and has also a part-time affiliation at STUK – Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. His previous employers include the U.S. National Cancer Institute (Maryland, USA), International Agency for Research on Cancer (Lyon, France) and Finnish Cancer Institute. He has served as an invited expert in questions concerning health effects of radiation for several major organizations including the World Health Organization, International Union Against Cancer (UICC), U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (European Commission/DG SANCO), and Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSM). Anssi Auvinen was elected Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in March 2013. 

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Yinliang Diao
SEG Member - PG LF Dosimetry Review

Yinliang Diao is Assistant Professor in South China Agricultural University. His research focuses on electromagnetic dosimetry at both low and radio frequencies, and near-field electromagnetic radiation measurement techniques. He received the B. E. degree from Chongqing University, China, in 2008, the M.S. degree in electronic engineering from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the City University of Hong Kong, in 2016. Since 2017, he has been an Assistant Professor in South China Agricultural University. From June 2019, he has been on sabbatical leave, and has been working as Research Assistant Professor in Nagoya Institute of Technology. He has been a member of the IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety since 2019. Dr. Diao was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in November 2020.

Contact yinliang diao 

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Luca Giaccone
SEG Member - PG LF Dosimetry Review

Luca Giaccone is Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering in Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy. His research covers many areas of the Electrical Engineering. Most of his recent activities focus on computation of electromagnetic and thermal fields, magnetic field mitigation, LF dosimetry and compliance of LF pulsed magnetic field sources. He received the Laurea and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, in 2005 and 2010, respectively. In the period 2011 – 2017 he was Assistant Professor with the Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino. Since 2017, he has been an Associate Professor with the same institution. He has been Senior Member of the IEEE and member of the IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (SC6 - dosimetry modeling) since 2015. He has been member of the National Committee CEI-106 dealing with human exposure to electromagnetic fields since 2017. Luca Giaccone was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in 2020. 


Declaration of Personal Interest

Jukka Juutilainen
SEG Member - PG LF Guidelines

Jukka Juutilainen is Professor of Radiation Biology and Radiation Epidemiology, and Department Head at the Department of Environmental Science of the University of Eastern Finland. His teaching includes generic courses on environmental health and risk assessment, as well as specific courses on non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. His research team conducts multidisciplinary research using all approaches of environmental health research; the projects have included experimental studies using various animal and in vitro models, epidemiological studies and exposure assessment. The main research areas have been assessment of possible developmental and carcinogenic effects of low frequency and RF electromagnetic fields, and combined effects with known carcinogenic/genotoxic agents. Recent research interests include epigenetic effects and genomic instability induced by radiation and other environmental agents. Dr. Juutilainen has coordinated three national research programmes on possible health risks of mobile communication and served as an invited expert in working groups and committees of many international organizations. He also served as an Associate Editor for Electro- and Magnetobiology in 1993-1997 and for Bioelectromagnetics in 1998-2001. Jukka Juutilainen was a member of the ICNIRP Standing Committee on Biology from 2004 until 2012. He was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in March 2013.

Contact Jukka Juutilainen

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Masami Kojima
SEG Member - PG Laser Pointers

Masami Kojima received his Ph. D. in Medicine from Kanazawa Medical University in 1991. He is a professor of Kanazawa Medical University. He is belonging to 3 departments, Medical Research Institute, Nursing School, and Department of Ophthalmology. He was an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow in the department of Experimental Ophthalmology, University of Bonn, Germany from 1988 to 1990. His research interests focus on the mechanisms of cataract development in the lens. Currently he is working in the field of non-ionizing exposure such as ultraviolet, infra-red, and microwave and millimeter wave exposure related ocular damages. He holds many academic honors, such as the International Society of Ocular Toxicology Award (1990), the Japanese Society for Cataract Research Award (1992), International Scheimpflug Club Meeting Award (1993), US-Japan Cooperative Cataract Research Group Meeting Award (1997), Kanazawa Medical University Article Award (1997), and the US-Japan CCRG the Alvira Reddy Award (2007). He has been an ICNIRP Consulting Member from 2001 until 2004. He was elected to the ICNIRP SEG in November 2014.

Declaration of Personal Interest

Jens Kuhne
SEG Member - PG Ultrasound, PG LF Dosimetry Review

Jens Kuhne is a physicist with a special education in biophysics. In 2016, he received his doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from Ruhr-University Bochum. Since 2017 he is Scientific Officer at the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection in the working group “electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and ultrasound” where he mainly focuses on exposure and dosimetry. Jens Kuhne was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in November 2020. 

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Sachiko Kodera
SEG Member - PG LF Dosimetry Review

Sachiko Kodera received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Nagoya Institute of Technology (NiTech), Nagoya, Japan. In 2016 she started as a researcher at the Nagoya Institute of Technology and is now an Associate Professor within the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Her research interests include computational modeling of human physiological response and electromagnetic dosimetry for exposure assessment. She was awarded numerous scientific prizes, including the Japan Open Innovation Prize 2022 by the Science Council of the Japan President's Award. Sachiko Kodera was elected as Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in November 2022.

Declaration of Personal Interest

Ilkka Laakso
SEG Member - PG LF Dosimetry Review

Ilkka Laakso is Professor of Electromagnetics in Health Technologies at Aalto University, Finland. His research focuses on theoretical and computational bioelectromagnetics at both extremely low and radio frequencies. Special interests are electromagnetic dosimetry for human exposure assessment and biomedical applications of electromagnetic fields. He received the Master degree in electromagnetics and circuit theory from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, in 2007, and the PhD in electromagnetics from Aalto University, Finland in 2011. He subsequently spent four years in Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, as a a postdoctoral researcher, Research Assistant Professor, and Research Associate Professor. He is the secretary of Subcommittee of EMF Dosimetry Modeling of IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety and a working group chairman. Ilkka Laakso was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in 2016. 

CONTACT ilkka laakso
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Micaela Liberti
SEG Member - PG LF Dosimetry Review, PG LF Guidelines

Micaela Liberti received her M.Sc degree in electronic engineering and doctorate degree from Sapienza University of Rome, Italy in 1995 and 2000, respectively. She is currently Associate Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Sapienza University. Presently she is the President Elect of the European Bioelectromagnetic Association (EBEA) that she joined as Scientific Council member first and Secretary afterwards since 2008. From 2018 to 2019 she has been Technical Program Committee Chair of the Bioelectromagnetics Conference. Since 2018 she is Associate Editor in the editorial board of the IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, and since 2016 she acts as Review Editor for Frontiers in Public Health–Radiation and Health. From 2012 to 2015, she served as the national supplent representative of COST TD1104: “European network for development of electroporation-based technologies and treatments”. From 2008 to 2012 she has been Expert Member in the Coordinated Action COST BM0704 “Emerging EMF Technologies Health Risk Management” and from 2004 to 2008 she has been Expert Member of the Technical Working Groups in the EMF-NET “Effects of the exposure to electromagnetic fields: From science to public health and safer workplace”, 6th Framework Program. Her scientific interests include theoretical modeling in bioelectromagnetics, microdosimetry, exposure systems dosimetry and design, bioemedical applications of EM fields, electroporation. Micaela Liberti was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in November 2020.

Contact Micaela Liberti

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Sarah Loughran
SEG Member - PG Short Wave Light, PG LF Guidelines

Sarah Loughran is currently a researcher at the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). She is also an Associate Investigator in a second NHMRC CRE, Population Health Research on Electromagnetic Energy (PRESEE) based at Monash University in Melbourne. She received degrees in physiology and psychology from Deakin University before completing a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and psychophysiology in 2007 at Swinburne University in Melbourne. She subsequently spent several years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, specialising in bioelectromagnetics, sleep, and EEG signal analysis research. During this time she was also accepted as an experienced research fellow in the Marie Curie Training in Sleep and Sleep Medicine initiative. Her research focuses on a wide range of bioelectromagnetic health issues including the effects on sleep, human brain function, and the mechanisms associated with these effects, as well as sleep and cognitive neuroscience research more generally. She is a member of the current World Health Organisation (WHO) RF Environmental Health Criterion evaluation committee, and is on the board of directors for the Bioelectromagnetics Society. Sarah Loughran was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in March 2013.

Contact Sarah Loughran

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Maya Mizuno
SEG Member - PG Laser Guidelines

Maya Mizuno received her Ph. D. degree in Engineering from Tohoku University in 2006 while she was working as a unit researcher at RIKEN. She is currently a senior researcher in the Applied Electromagnetic Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. She is an expert in the research field of dielectric property measurement in far-infrared region. Her research interests include study on the mechanisms of interactions between electromagnetic waves and biological substances at molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. She served as chair of the technical committee on Photonics-applied Electromagnetic Measurement (PEM) of the Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers and contributed to discussions related to the PEM technique in FY 2018-2019. She was appointed a member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group in November 2020.

Contact Maya Mizuno

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Jonne Naarala
SEG Member - PG LF

Jonne Naarala received his master and PhD in cell biology from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland respectively in 1993 and 1997. Now a Professor of Radiation Biology he is working as the Leader of Radiation Research Group and Head of the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland. He is a member of several societies nationally and internationally, in particular the European Bio-Electromagnetics Association and the European consortium MELODI - Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative. Dr Jonne Naarala joined the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in April 2023.

Contact Jonne Naarala

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Rachel Neale
SEG Member - PG Chronic UV Exposure

Rachel Neale is a principal research fellow at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia. She holds adjunct professorial appointments at the University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology. She obtained a Bachelor of Veterinary Science at the University of Queensland. Following a short period in clinical practice she undertook a PhD, embedded in a clinical trial of sunscreen for the prevention of skin cancer. Professor Neale undertook a National Health and Medical Research (NHMRC)-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oxford, and then returned to QIMR Berghofer to establish her own research group. Her research focuses on understanding the health effects of vitamin D and balancing the risks and benefits of sun exposure. She led the world’s second-largest trial of high-dose vitamin D, the D-Health Trial, which aimed to understand the health effects of supplementing the general population with vitamin D. She is on the executive committee of the Australian Skin and Skin Cancer Centre, co-chairs the Queensland Skin Cancer Prevention Collaborative, and leads the health working group of the United Nations Environment Program Environmental Effects Assessment Panel. She was appointed a member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group in November 2021.

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John O'Hagan
SEG Member - PG Laser Pointers, PG Short Wave, PG Laser Guidelines

John O’Hagan heads the Laser and Optical Radiation Dosimetry Group at Public Health England. This research group covers all aspects of optical radiation dosimetry, including both the beneficial and detrimental effects of optical radiation on people. The group also operates a UV monitoring network across the UK, Eire, Gibraltar and Cyprus. He received his PhD from Loughborough University for research on risks arising from the use of lasers in the entertainment industry. He is a Visiting Professor at Loughborough University where he has organised training courses on laser safety jointly with the University since 1992. He is a Chartered Scientist, a Chartered Physicist and a Chartered Radiation Protection Professional. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Laser Institute of America and a Senior Member of SPIE. John is Vice-President Standard of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE), Convenor of the International Electrotechnical Commission Technical Committee 76 “Optical Radiation Safety and Laser Equipment” Working Group 9 “Non coherent sources”, and is a member of a number of other national and international committees. John was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in March 2013.

Contact John O'Hagan

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Tsutomu Okuno
SEG Member - PG UV

Tsutomu Okuno received his B.S. and M.S. in Physics and his Ph.D in Applied Physics from Tohoku University. He is now the director of Human Engineering and Risk Management Research Group, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan. His research interests focus on optical radiation hazards. He is an editor of the journal "Industrial Health", a member of Safety, Health and Environment Committee, Japan Welding Engineering Society and a drafting member of Committee for Recommendation of Occupational Exposure Limits, Japan Society for Occupational Health. He has been serving ICNIRP SCIV from 1998 until 2004 and the Commission from 2016 until 2023. Tsutomu Okuno has been a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) from 2013 until 2020. He is now serving the SEG since April 2023.

Contact Tsutomu Okuno

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Blanka Pophof
SEG Member - PG ENV

Blanka Pophof is a scientific consultant at the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS). She received her diploma in Biology and Ecology of Animals from the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, in 1987 and a PhD in Biology from the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 1993. She worked for several years as a scientific fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Seewiesen, Germany. Her research focused on neurobiology and sensory physiology in insects, using predominantly electrophysiological methods. In 2002, she habilitated at the Ludwig-Maximillians University in Munich, where she teached sensory phsyiology until 2018. At the BfS she is currently involved in all aspects of NIR radiation protection concerning biological and health effects of electric, magnetic an electromagnetic fields. Her work is focusing on review of scientific literature, identification of gaps in knowledge and coordination and supervision of research projects aiming to close these gaps. She was also involved in research on electromagnetic fields of mobile communications, electric and magnetic fields of power lines, occupational exposure due to police broadcast (TETRA) and static magnetic fields of MRI. She was appointed as Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in April 2023.


Declaration of Personal Interest

Karl Schulmeister
SEG Member - PG Laser Pointers, PG Laser Guidelines

Karl Schulmeister graduated from Univ. Techn. Vienna with a Dipl-Ing in physics in 1992 and from Trinity College Dublin in 1994 with an MSc, and in 2001 received his PhD in biophysics on research on the risk for retinal injury from lasers. Since 1994 he is head of the „Laser, LED and Lamp Safety“ group at Seibersdorf Laboratories in Austria. His team has developed computer and ex-vivo models for laser induced ocular and skin injury threshold prediction that served to characterise the spot size and multiple pulse dependence of thermal injury. He is co-author of the hand-book „Laser Safety“ and about 100 scientific publications. Dr. Schulmeister is the technical secretary at the IEC TC76 Working Group on laser and optical radiation safety standards. He is member of ANSI Z136 Laser Safety Committee on Bioeffects and since 2002 Associate Director of Division 6 “Photobiology” of CIE, the International Commission on Illumination. He has served on ICNIRP Standing Committee on Optical Radiation (SCIV) from 2003-2012 and on the Main Commission from 2008-2012. He was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in March 2013.

Contact Karl Schulmeister

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David H. Sliney
SEG Member - PG Laser Pointers, PG Short Wave Light, PG Laser Guidelines, PG Relative Spectral Effectiveness, PG Chronic UV Exposure

David H. Sliney holds a Ph.D. in biophysics and medical physics from the Institute of Ophthalmology of the University College (London, UK), an M.S. in physics and radiological health from Emory University (Atlanta, GA, USA) and a B.S. in physics in from Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Blacksburg, VA, USA).  He worked for the US Army Medical Department for 42 years, serving as Program Manager, Laser/Optical Radiation Program, which he held until his retirement in 2007. He remains an associate faculty member of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Baltimore, MD. His research interests focus on optical hazards from intense light sources and lasers, laser-tissue interactions and laser applications in medicine and surgery. He has published well over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers - many relate to the development and optimization of laser/optical applications in eye surgery and ophthalmic diagnostics. He served as member, advisor and chairman of numerous committees active in the establishment of safety standards for protection against non-ionizing radiation (ANSI, ISO, ACGIH, IEC, WHO, NCRP) and has served as an ICNIRP Commission Member from 1992 until 2004 and as Chairman of ICNIRP SCIV (optical radiation) from 1998 until 2004. He was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in November 2017.

Contact David Sliney

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Bruce Stuck
SEG Member - PG Laser Pointers, PG Laser Guidelines

Bruce E. Stuck is now retired. He was until 2013 the Director of the Ocular Trauma Research Division at the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research in San Antonio, Texas whose mission is to investigate the ocular effects of non-ionizing radiation and short-duration pressure wave effects.  This research establishes protection strategies (e.g. exposure limits or physical protection products) and develops triage and treatment approaches for ocular injury from non-ionizing radiation and shock wave exposures from blast.  From 1992-2010, he was the Director of the U.S. Army Medical Research Detachment of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, where he had programmatic responsibilities for the Army Medical Department’s laser and radio frequency radiation biological effects research program. He has 32 years experience in laser hazards research experience and is the author/co-author of numerous papers on ocular and cutaneous effects of laser and radio frequency radiation. His primary interests are in the biological effects of visible and infrared laser radiation on the retina and cornea and the assessment of laser-induced eye injuries and their treatment. He is the Chair of the Biological Effects and Medical Surveillance Technical Subcommittee of the American National Standards Institute’s (ANSI) Z136 Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers. He is a member of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, the Laser Institute of America, the Biomedical Optical Society of the SPIE and the editorial board of the Journal of Laser Applications. He has served on ICNIRP SC IV since 1999 and on the Commission from 2004 until 2016. Bruce is now supporting the work of the PGs as a SEG member.


Declaration of Personal Interest

Andrew Wood
SEG Member - PG ENV

Andrew Wood is an Adjunct Professor at the 6G Research and Innovation Laboratory at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, and is a Chief Investigator with the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research. He is also an Honorary Professor at RMIT University in Melbourne. After studying physics at Bristol University, UK, he obtained a PhD in biophysics from King’s College Hospital Medical School, London, UK. At Swinburne, he has taught Medical Biophysics at both undergraduate and postgraduate level for over 30 years. He has supervised 16 successful PhD candidates. He served on the Radiation Health Committee of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) for over ten years. In 2001 he acted as a short-term consultant to the WHO in Malaysia on NIR-related matters. In relation to possible health effects of NIR electromagnetic fields, Dr. Wood has conducted laboratory studies both at the cellular level and with human volunteers. He also is involved in theoretical research into mechanisms of action of these fields on biological systems, particularly in relation to dosimetric aspects. He is an Associate Editor for the journal Bioelectromagnetics. He was a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) from 2013 to 2020 and appointed in April 2023 for a new project.

Contact Andrew Wood

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Tongning Wu
SEG Member - PG LF Dosimetry Review

Tongning Wu is a senior engineer in China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. His studies focus on electromagnetic dosimetry, anatomical modeling and biomedical applications of electromagnetic fields. He received the B.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Tianjin University, China, in 2002. He obtained the M.S degree in Communication and Information System from China Academy of Telecommunication Technology, in 2005 and Ph.D degree in électronique, optroniques et systèmes from Université Paris-Est, France, in 2009. He is the member of International Advisory Committee (IAC) on Electromagnetic Fields of WHO. He is the director of youth committee of the China Bioelectromagnetic Association, founding member of China Digital Medical Society of China Medical Association and Conscious Disturbance Society of Chinese Neuroscience Association. He also participated in the IEC/IEEE workgroups on EMF safety. He is currently the co-rapporteur of ITU-D Q7/2 (Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fields). Tongning Wu was appointed a Member of the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group (SEG) in 2019.

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Sachiko Yamaguchi-Sekino
SEG Member - PG LF

Sachiko Yamaguchi-Sekino received her PhD in Medicine in 2008 from University of Tokyo and is now a senior researcher at National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) since 2023, after working as a senior researcher at National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan (JNIOSH) for 13 years. Her research interests are biological effects of and human responses to static to intermediate frequency magnetic field exposure, in particular, in occupational exposure from medical sources. Her expertise is in biology and social medicine. Her extensive publication activities in these research areas enable her to comprehensively assess the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. Her research activities have been recognized internationally and she currently serves on the technical committee, standard committee, and publicity committee of the IEEE Magnetic Society. Dr Sachiko Yamaguchi-Sekino joined the ICNIRP Scientific Expert Group in April 2023.

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