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Nigel Cridland

Nigel Cridland has worked in the field of non-ionising radiations for 35 years, having started research with ultraviolet radiation in the 1980s. He obtained his DPhil in Biochemistry from the University of Oxford, where he also undertook postdoctoral research. In 1990, he moved to the Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, part of Public Health England, to initiate research on the cellular responses to ultraviolet radiation. He also diversified adding interests in electromagnetic fields. He served as a scientific secretary to the Stewart Committee and from 2001 to 2012 he was scientific co-ordinator of the UK’s Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) Programme. Since 2002 he has led a group involved in the assessment of occupational exposures to optical radiations and electromagnetic fields and has a particular interest in ‘at risk’ employees. He was involved in the development of the European Commission’s practical guides to the optical and EMF Directives, being a member of the team that drafted the former and leading the team that wrote the latter. Nigel Cridland joined the Commission in May 2020.

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