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Jun 2022

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ICNIRP hosted a Mini-Symposium online and in Nagoya, Japan, 19 June 2022, ahead of the BioEM.

A large audience from around the world attended onsite and online through a livestream. This first ICNIRP conference since the pandemic crisis was not only the time to hear and learn about ICNIRP current and future activities but it was an opportunity for interaction during which the radiation protection community could raise questions and discuss with ICNIRP members some key radiation safety issues.

Following suggestions sent to ICNIRP within the framework of the call for topics formulated ahead of the event, the formal presentations focussed on the issue of compliance with and implementation of the ICNIRP 2020 Radiofrequency Guidelines. Although ‘compliance’ itself is not within the remit of ICNIRP, two presentations were designed to try to help those working through such issues. The other session related to ultraviolet radiation, and what the current science says about harm associated with exposure to it. This considered effects of UV-A/B on the skin and lens of the eye and addressed the question of whether germicidal UV-C techniques may pose a risk to those exposed to it.

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