7th International NIR Workshop
9-11 May 2012
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The NIR2012 Workshop that came to an end on Friday 11 May at 3 pm saw the participation of 180 delegates from 40 countries worldwide. 35 posters were displayed and 6 exhibitors participated in the Workshop. Additionally, the workshop was followed around the world online via a live stream.
Videos of the presentations are now available online. Pdfs of the presentations are offered to the participants who attended the workshop.
Experts from all relevant scientific disciplines (i.e. physics & engineering, biology and epidemiology) presented the most recent advances of research and protection in the different areas of NIR, including electromagnetic fields and optical radiation. In the last few years, ICNIRP has revised most of its protection guidelines, and the workshop provided participants with a comprehensive overview of updated recommendations, methodology for their development, scientific rationale, and recommended restrictions on exposure.
To organize this Workshop, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) relied on funds granted by national and international public bodies, such as the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), the European Commission (EC DG EMPL), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). The support of the Health Protection Agency (now Public Health England) is also gratefully acknowledged for the provision of video recordings and online streaming as well as the support of the EBEA for attendance sponsorships.
Finally, ICNIRP wishes to thank all speakers for their contributions.
Wednesday 9 May
Opening of the workshop - Paolo Vecchia
Session 1 - Overarching issues Chair: Rüdiger Matthes
Evolution of ICNIRP guidelines – scientific and philosophical aspects
Paolo Vecchia
From static fields up to UV: Mechanisms relevant to health effects due to NIR exposure
Bernard Veyret and Per Söderberg
Age-related sensitivity to electromagnetic fields
Zenon Sienkiewicz
Possible non-scientific bias in the literature database
Martin Röösli
Session 2 - Dosimetry Chair: James C. Lin
EMF dosimetry (General methodology and RF region)
Soichi Watanabe
EMF Dosimetry (ELF, IF, and MMW frequency regions)
Masao Taki
Workplace specific EMF exposure assessment/dosimetry
Gernot Schmid
Optical radiation measurement and dosimetry: general procedures and source/workplace-specific challenges
John O'Hagan
Thursday 10 May
Session 3 - Epidemiology Chair: Eric van Rongen
ELF and health effects – something new?
Leeka Kheifets
Mobile phones and cancer: how does epidemiology investigate this?
Anthony Swerdlow
Mobile phones and cancer: what has epidemiology found?
Maria Feychting
UV and skin cancer causation, and some unanswered questions
Adele Green
Session 4 - Experimental Studies Chair: Zenon Sienkiewicz
Advantages, challenges and limits of experimental studies
Carmela Marino
ELF and health effects – something new from experimental studies?
Isabelle Lagroye
Radiofrequency effects on the human electroencephalogram: Its relevance for health and how do we explain this phenomenon
Blanka Pophof
Non-cancer RF-effects in humans
Eric Van Rongen
Health Risks for the Eye from Optical Radiation
Per Söderberg
Session 5 - ICNIRP newly updated Guidelines and those under construction Chair: Paolo Vecchia
Exposure Limits for Static fields and for electric fields induced by movements of a human body in a static magnetic field
Kari Jokela
Exposure Limits for ELF electric and magnetic fields
Rüdiger Matthes
Intermediate frequencies - a challenge in terms of science and technological development?
Bernard Veyret
Major scientific topics relevant for the revision of RF guidelines
James C. Lin
Exposure Limits for Broadband Optical Radiation
Karl Schulmeister
Exposure Limits for Laser Radiation
Bruce Stuck
Friday 11 May
Session 6 - "Further NIR Issues" Chair: Paolo Vecchia
Poster Session
Eric van Rongen
Accidental Laser Injuries
Bruce Stuck
Protection of workers - Application of international recommendations
Georges Herbillon - EC DG EMPL
International cooperation
Emilie Van Deventer - WHO
International research agendas and ongoing major studies
Agnette Peralta
Short reports on NIR research programs
Impact of the WHO EMF Research Agendas
Chiyoji Ohkubo
The Dutch research programme on Electromagnetic Fields & Health
Peter Zwamborn
The following manufacturers of instruments and softwares for scientific experimentation and measurements displayed their latest products and innovations to the workshop delegates at the venue. Participating in the ICNIRP NIR Workshop exhibition are:
Gene expression profiling of human HaCaT keratinocytes exposed to extremely low frequency electromagnetic field revealing inhibition of cell cycle progress
Huang C-Y, Chuang C-Y, Hsu I C
Transcriptional responses of mouse bone marrow to power frequency magnetic fields
Kabacik S, Kirschenlohr H, Badie C, Bouffler S, Brindle K, Sienkiewicz Z
Magnetophosphenes and associated brain activation: a study protocol in humans exposed to up to 50 milliTesla 50/60 Hz magnetic fields
Legros A, Modolo J, Goulet D, Plante M, Souques M, Deschamps F, Prato F, Lambrozo J, Thomas AW
Gene Expression Profiles in White Blood Cells of Volunteers exposed to a 50 Hz electromagnetic Field
Kirschenlohr H, Ellis P, Hesketh R, Metcalfe J
Subtle alterations in behaviour and hippocampus structure in mice following a short-term exposure to 905 MHz fields
Broom K A, Whitehill K, Sienkiewicz Z
Magnetically sensitive light-induced reactions in cryptochrome
Maeda K, Henbest K B , Neil S R T, Hogben H J, Biskup T, Ahmad M, Schleicher E, Weber S, Mackenzie S R, Timmel C R, Hore PJ
Investigation into influence of high SAR on neuron excitability
Partsvania B, Sulaberidze T, Shoshiashvili L
Metrology for next-generation safety standards and equipment in MRI - a new joint research project within the framework of the European metrology research programme EMRP
Ittermann B, Zilberti L, Seifert F, Rabus H, de Prez L, de Pooter J, Nettelbeck H, Jokela K, Hand J, Bottauscio O, Borsero M
A numerical survey of the electric fields experienced by humans moving within MRI static fields
Zilberti L, Chiampi M
Occupational exposure to static magnetic fields during a routine MR examination using a 3.0 T MR system
Yamaguchi-Sekino S, Nakai T, Izawa S, Okuno T
Cartography of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields in a utility
Magne I
The measures applicable in assessing electrodynamic exposure effects of exposure to time-varying low frequency magnetic fields of non-uniform spatial distribution
Karpowicz J, Zradzinski P, Gryz K
A new methodology for RF-EMF exposure assessment based on sequential surrogate modeling
Aerts S, Deschrijver D, Joseph W, Verloock L, Goeminne F, Martens L, Dhaene T
Procedures for the exposure assessment of electromagnetic fields emitted by wifi devices
Pinto R, Cavagnaro M, Lopresto V, Mariotti M, Carmela M
Measurement and simulation of electromagnetic radiation distribution in physiotherapy units
Koutsojannis C
Radio-frequency heating due to head coils in ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging scanners
Shrivastava D, Vaughan
EFHRAN project: exposure assessment to radiofrequency EMF in Europe
Thuróczy Gy, Bakos J, Kubinyi Gy, Gajsek P, Samaras T, Wiart J, Ravazzani P
Long-term monitoring of temporal and spatial variability of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) in Basel and surroundings
Urbinello D, Röösli M
In-situ measurements of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the environment
Vulevic B, Belic C, Stalevski T
The national register of RF workers (UK): a long-term follow-up study
Litchfield I, Sorahan T
An assessment of measurement uncertainty for dielectric property measurement system in the millimeter wave band
Sasaki K, Mizuno M, Wake K, Fukunaga K, Watanabe S
Electromagnetic interference of electronic implants: internet information system EMF-portal and research at femu
Driessen S, Dechent D, Joosten S, Stunder D, Wienert R
Implanted cardiac defibrillator (icd) and professional exposure to electromagnetic fields
Souques M, Magne I, Perrino A, Lambrozo J
Organ specific averaged SAR for the central nervous system
Thielens A, Vermeeren G, Joseph W, Martens L
Whole-body absorption in heterogeneous adult and child human body model in realistic environments
Vermeeren G, Joseph W, Martens L
Korean male models and the ICNIRP reference level in the frequency range of 10 MHz - 3 GHz
Lee A-K, Choi H-D
Enrichments of central nerve system in Japanese computational models for numerical dosimetry in intermediate frequency range
Nagaoka T, Watanabe S
Occupational exposure to static and low frequency electric and magnetic fields - a new health and safety concept
Heinrich H, Hilpert G, Neuschulz H, Börner F, Brüggemeier H, Eggert S, Fischer M, Hentschel K, Udovicic L
Medical survey after 50 Hz electric or magnetic field exposure
Lambrozo J, Souques M, Magne I
The model of application of ICNIRP's principles into the work place legislation on electromagnetic hazards - lessons learned from drafting European directive
Karpowicz J, Rossi P
Usage of mobile phones and concern on electromagnetic radiation of Portuguese youngsters
Sebastiao D, Branco M, Oliveira C, Correia LM
Design of a 50 ohm open TEM-cell
Šira N, Malaric K
Photobiological safety of newly introduced energy efficient lamps
Necz P P, Bakos J
Photobiological safety of light emitting diodes (LED)
Udovicic L, Janßen M, Ott G, Mainusch F, Romanus E
Emission of optical radiation by gas burners: a project with surprises
Wittlich M
Problems and open questions with limit values in directive 2006/25/EC in daily use
Wittlich M