RF Public Consultation
Public Consultation Document Feedback on ICNIRP’s Guidelines on limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz)
ICNIRP received 93 sets of comments, with over 1500 individual comments. ICNIRP has considered each of these comments carefully and thoroughly, and where appropriate, amended the draft guidelines. ICNIRP notes that these submissions were of a very high standard, and would like to sincerely thank the respondents for all the time and effort required to contribute their knowledge to this process. Many comments provided highly detailed responses about specific points, others were more general in nature and a few expressed their support for various aspects of the guidelines. Overall, the comments and suggestions have resulted in substantive changes to the guidelines in some areas, in terms of not only the science, but also in terms of its relevance to health protection and its presentation. It was only with this wider collaboration that this project could be appropriately achieved.
ICNIRP has provided responses to the comments.
Please note that the responses are not intended to be read as ICNIRP positions but merely general indications of how ICNIRP considered the comments. The time commitment required for a definitive and substantive response for every individual comment would put it outside the intended scope of this process. Respondents who did not use the standard submission form have their responses provided at the end of the file, along with links to their submissions (but no other details can be provided as none were given). A few submissions did not refer to the public consultation document at all, and so neither links to those nor specific responses have been provided.
This response file contains two sheets, and is organised as follows.
The ‘Comments and Responses’ sheet contains the following. The Respondent Code number used to identify the respondents (Column A). The number of the Respondent’s comment (Column B). The document that was being commented on (Column C, which refers either to the main guidelines document, Appendix A or Appendix B). The line reference for the comment (Column D). The type of comment (Column E, which refers to whether it is of a general, editorial or technical nature). The respondent’s comment (Column F, which includes the abbreviations and language submitted, but which sometimes was abridged to reduce the length of the text). ICNIRP’s response itself (Column G). The ‘Respondent Details’ sheet contains relevant details about the respondents, and can be linked to the comments in the ‘Comments and Responses’ sheet via the ‘Respondent Code’ specified in Column A. Note that some respondents chose to remain anonymous and so their details are not available. For privacy policy reasons, all email addresses and addresses have been removed from the documents.
We greatly valued your contribution. Thank you for this !