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EMF Dosimetry and Biophysics

Health Physics 92(6): 513-658; June 2007

Proceedings of the ICNIRP International Workshop on EMF Dosimetry and Biophysical Aspects Relevant to Setting Exposure Guidelines, Berlin, Germany, from 20 to 22 March 2006. Health Phys 92(6): 513-658; June 2007.

The Proceedings of the ICNIRP "International Workshop on EMF Dosimetry and Biophysical Aspects Relevant to Setting Exposure Guidelines" cover the whole frequency range from static fields to terahertz. The lectures presented by the experts on those topics and the discussions on the relevance of recent research findings with regard to exposure limits for workers and the general public are provided here.

Some of the key issues included the scientific basis of safety factors for the general public and for specific subgroups (children, elderly persons, pregnant women, etc.), the dosimetric and biophysical comparison of different basic quantities, the questions associated with inhomogeneous or partial body exposure, the concepts for assessing exposure from different sources with the same or different frequencies, considerations on different exposure characteristics (non-sinusoidal, pulsed or intermittent), and the issues of temporal and spatial averaging. Existing standards were compared and biological effects and epidemiological evidence relevant to developing guidelines summarized.

Table of Contents