Static Magnetic Fields - 2005
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Volume 87, Issues 2–3, February–April 2005

Effects of Static Magnetic Fields Relevant to Human Health. Proceedings of an International Workshop, NRPB, Chilton, UK, April 26-27, 2004. Noble D, McKinlay AF, Repacholi MH, eds. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Volume 87, Issues 2–3, February–April 2005.
The proceedings gives an overview of all the lectures delivered at the workshop which was co-sponsored by the World Health Organization, UK National Radiological Protection Board (now PHE) and ICNIRP.
Table of Contents
Rapporteur report: Cellular, animal and epidemiological studies of the effects of static magnetic fields relevant to human health
Dariusz Leszczynski
Rapporteurs report: dosimetry and volunteer studies
Eric van Rongen
Static magnetic fields: animal studies
Richard Saunders
Static magnetic field effects on human subjects related to magnetic resonance imaging systems
Donald W. Chakeres, Frank de Vocht
Health effects of static magnetic fields—a review of the epidemiological evidence
Maria Feychting
WHO health risk assessment process for static fields
T.E. van Deventer, R. Saunders, M.H. Repacholi
Effects of static magnetic fields at the cellular level
Junji Miyakoshi
Physical interactions of static magnetic fields with living tissues
John F. Schenck
Rapporteur report: implications for exposure guidelines
Zenon Sienkiewicz
Numerical evaluation of the fields induced by body motion in or near high-field MRI scanners
Stuart Crozier, Feng Liu
A review of the current use of magnetic resonance imaging in pregnancy and safety implications for the fetus
J.P. De Wilde, A.W. Rivers, D.L. Price
ELF magnetic fields: Animal studies, mechanisms of action
Isabelle Lagroye, Yann Percherancier, Jukka Juutilainen, Florence Poulletier De Gannes, Bernard Veyret
The sensitivity of the heart to static magnetic fields
Arun V. Holden
Present and future magnetic resonance sources of exposure to static fields
P.A. Gowland
The effects of static magnetic field on action potential propagation and excitation recovery in nerve
R. Hinch, K.A. Lindsay, D. Noble, J.R. Rosenberg
Electromagnetic cellular interactions
Michal Cifra, Jeremy Z. Fields, Ashkan Farhadi
Are the young more sensitive than adults to the effects of radiofrequency fields? An examination of relevant data from cellular and animal studies
Carmela Marino, Isabelle Lagroye, Maria Rosaria Scarfì, Zenon Sienkiewicz
Rapporteur's report: sources and interaction mechanisms
P.J. Hore
Magnetically induced electric fields and currents in the circulatory system
Thomas S. Tenforde
More research is needed to determine the safety of static magnetic fields
A.F. McKinlay, M.H. Repacholi
Local SAR enhancements in anatomically correct children and adult models as a function of position within 1.5 T MR body coil
Manuel Murbach, Eugenia Cabot, Esra Neufeld, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Andreas Christ, Klaas P. Pruessmann, Niels Kuster
The principle of coherence in multi-level brain information processing
Matej Plankar, Simon Brežan, Igor Jerman
New observations may inform seizure models: Very fast and very slow oscillations
Mark P. Richardson
Exploiting the potential of three dimensional spatial wavelet analysis to explore nesting of temporal oscillations and spatial variance in simultaneous EEG-fMRI data
Matthias Schultze-Kraft, Robert Becker, Michael Breakspear, Petra Ritter
Development and applications of in vivo clinical magnetic resonance spectroscopy
I.Jane Cox
Theoretical models for coronary vascular biomechanics: Progress and challenges
Sarah L. Waters, Jordi Alastruey, Daniel A. Beard, Peter H.M. Bovendeerd, Peter F. Davies, Girija Jayaraman, Oliver E. Jensen, Jack Lee, Kim H. Parker, Aleksander S. Popel, Timothy W. Secomb, Maria Siebes, Spencer J. Sherwin, Rebecca J. Shipley, Nicolas P. Smith, Frans N. van de Vosse
Transfer entropy in magnetoencephalographic data: Quantifying information flow in cortical and cerebellar networks
Michael Wibral, Benjamin Rahm, Maria Rieder, Michael Lindner, Raul Vicente, Jochen Kaiser
Rapporteur’s report on Session 3: Biology and mechanisms
Eric van Rongen
Cardiac cell modelling: Observations from the heart of the cardiac physiome project
Martin Fink, Steven A. Niederer, Elizabeth M. Cherry, Flavio H. Fenton, Jussi T. Koivumäki, Gunnar Seemann, Rüdiger Thul, Henggui Zhang, Frank B. Sachse, Dan Beard, Edmund J. Crampin, Nicolas P. Smith
Towards a computational reconstruction of the electrodynamics of premature and full term human labour
O. Aslanidi, J. Atia, A.P. Benson, H.A. van den Berg, A.M. Blanks, C. Choi, S.H. Gilbert, I. Goryanin, B.R. Hayes-Gill, A.V. Holden, P. Li, J.E. Norman, A. Shmygol, N.A.B. Simpson, M.J. Taggart, W.C. Tong, H. Zhang
Ultrasound–biophysics mechanisms
William D. O’Brien Jr.
Modelling and enhanced molecular dynamics to steer structure-based drug discovery
Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen
Topology modification for surgical simulation using precomputed finite element models based on linear elasticity
Bryan Lee, Dan C. Popescu, Sébastien Ourselin
Ageing and vision: structure, stability and function of lens crystallins
Hans Bloemendal, Wilfried de Jong, Rainer Jaenicke, Nicolette H. Lubsen, Christine Slingsby, Annette Tardieu
Rapporteur’s report on session 5: Risk management and prevention
Shaiela Kandel
Molecular biological databases: The challenge of the genome era
Rainer Fuchs, Graham N. Cameron
Cell cultures as models of cardiac mechanoelectric feedback
Yibing Zhang, Rajesh B. Sekar, Andrew D. McCulloch, Leslie Tung
Dariusz Leszczynski
Rapporteurs report: dosimetry and volunteer studies
Eric van Rongen
Static magnetic fields: animal studies
Richard Saunders
Static magnetic field effects on human subjects related to magnetic resonance imaging systems
Donald W. Chakeres, Frank de Vocht
Health effects of static magnetic fields—a review of the epidemiological evidence
Maria Feychting
WHO health risk assessment process for static fields
T.E. van Deventer, R. Saunders, M.H. Repacholi
Effects of static magnetic fields at the cellular level
Junji Miyakoshi
Physical interactions of static magnetic fields with living tissues
John F. Schenck
Rapporteur report: implications for exposure guidelines
Zenon Sienkiewicz
Numerical evaluation of the fields induced by body motion in or near high-field MRI scanners
Stuart Crozier, Feng Liu
A review of the current use of magnetic resonance imaging in pregnancy and safety implications for the fetus
J.P. De Wilde, A.W. Rivers, D.L. Price
ELF magnetic fields: Animal studies, mechanisms of action
Isabelle Lagroye, Yann Percherancier, Jukka Juutilainen, Florence Poulletier De Gannes, Bernard Veyret
The sensitivity of the heart to static magnetic fields
Arun V. Holden
Present and future magnetic resonance sources of exposure to static fields
P.A. Gowland
The effects of static magnetic field on action potential propagation and excitation recovery in nerve
R. Hinch, K.A. Lindsay, D. Noble, J.R. Rosenberg
Electromagnetic cellular interactions
Michal Cifra, Jeremy Z. Fields, Ashkan Farhadi
Are the young more sensitive than adults to the effects of radiofrequency fields? An examination of relevant data from cellular and animal studies
Carmela Marino, Isabelle Lagroye, Maria Rosaria Scarfì, Zenon Sienkiewicz
Rapporteur's report: sources and interaction mechanisms
P.J. Hore
Magnetically induced electric fields and currents in the circulatory system
Thomas S. Tenforde
More research is needed to determine the safety of static magnetic fields
A.F. McKinlay, M.H. Repacholi
Local SAR enhancements in anatomically correct children and adult models as a function of position within 1.5 T MR body coil
Manuel Murbach, Eugenia Cabot, Esra Neufeld, Marie-Christine Gosselin, Andreas Christ, Klaas P. Pruessmann, Niels Kuster
The principle of coherence in multi-level brain information processing
Matej Plankar, Simon Brežan, Igor Jerman
New observations may inform seizure models: Very fast and very slow oscillations
Mark P. Richardson
Exploiting the potential of three dimensional spatial wavelet analysis to explore nesting of temporal oscillations and spatial variance in simultaneous EEG-fMRI data
Matthias Schultze-Kraft, Robert Becker, Michael Breakspear, Petra Ritter
Development and applications of in vivo clinical magnetic resonance spectroscopy
I.Jane Cox
Theoretical models for coronary vascular biomechanics: Progress and challenges
Sarah L. Waters, Jordi Alastruey, Daniel A. Beard, Peter H.M. Bovendeerd, Peter F. Davies, Girija Jayaraman, Oliver E. Jensen, Jack Lee, Kim H. Parker, Aleksander S. Popel, Timothy W. Secomb, Maria Siebes, Spencer J. Sherwin, Rebecca J. Shipley, Nicolas P. Smith, Frans N. van de Vosse
Transfer entropy in magnetoencephalographic data: Quantifying information flow in cortical and cerebellar networks
Michael Wibral, Benjamin Rahm, Maria Rieder, Michael Lindner, Raul Vicente, Jochen Kaiser
Rapporteur’s report on Session 3: Biology and mechanisms
Eric van Rongen
Cardiac cell modelling: Observations from the heart of the cardiac physiome project
Martin Fink, Steven A. Niederer, Elizabeth M. Cherry, Flavio H. Fenton, Jussi T. Koivumäki, Gunnar Seemann, Rüdiger Thul, Henggui Zhang, Frank B. Sachse, Dan Beard, Edmund J. Crampin, Nicolas P. Smith
Towards a computational reconstruction of the electrodynamics of premature and full term human labour
O. Aslanidi, J. Atia, A.P. Benson, H.A. van den Berg, A.M. Blanks, C. Choi, S.H. Gilbert, I. Goryanin, B.R. Hayes-Gill, A.V. Holden, P. Li, J.E. Norman, A. Shmygol, N.A.B. Simpson, M.J. Taggart, W.C. Tong, H. Zhang
Ultrasound–biophysics mechanisms
William D. O’Brien Jr.
Modelling and enhanced molecular dynamics to steer structure-based drug discovery
Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen
Topology modification for surgical simulation using precomputed finite element models based on linear elasticity
Bryan Lee, Dan C. Popescu, Sébastien Ourselin
Ageing and vision: structure, stability and function of lens crystallins
Hans Bloemendal, Wilfried de Jong, Rainer Jaenicke, Nicolette H. Lubsen, Christine Slingsby, Annette Tardieu
Rapporteur’s report on session 5: Risk management and prevention
Shaiela Kandel
Molecular biological databases: The challenge of the genome era
Rainer Fuchs, Graham N. Cameron
Cell cultures as models of cardiac mechanoelectric feedback
Yibing Zhang, Rajesh B. Sekar, Andrew D. McCulloch, Leslie Tung