Ultrasound and Infrasound
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 93(1-3); 2007.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on the effects of ultrasound and infrasound relevant to human health. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 93(1-3); January/April 2007.
The proceedings gives an overview of all the lectures delivered at the workshop which was co-sponsored by the UK Health Protection Agency (now PHE) and ICNIRP.
The proceedings gives an overview of all the lectures delivered at the workshop which was co-sponsored by the UK Health Protection Agency (now PHE) and ICNIRP.
Table of Contents
Ultrasound–biophysics mechanisms
William D. O’Brien Jr.
Quantification of risk from fetal exposure to diagnostic ultrasound
Charles C. Church, Morton W. Miller
Overview of experimental studies of biological effects of medical ultrasound caused by gas body activation and inertial cavitation
Douglas L. Miller
Medical and non-medical protection standards for ultrasound and infrasound
Francis A. Duck
Effects of shear stress on endothelial cells: Possible relevance for ultrasound applications
E. Van Bavel
What is ultrasound?
Timothy G. Leighton
Therapeutic applications of ultrasound
Gail ter Haar
Ultrasound and matter—Physical interactions
Victor F. Humphrey
Vibroacoustic disease: Biological effects of infrasound and low-frequency noise explained by mechanotransduction cellular signalling
Mariana Alves-Pereira, Nuno A. Castelo Branco
Epidemiological studies on adverse effects of prenatal ultrasound—Which are the challenges?
H. Kieler
Rapporteur report: Basics and technology and metrology and standards
Jeffrey W. Hand
Metrology for ultrasonic applications
Bajram Zeqiri
Rapporteur report: Roundup, discussion and recommendations
Zenon Sienkiewicz
What is infrasound?
Geoff Leventhall
Cardiac imaging: The biological effects of diagnostic cardiac ultrasound
Maria Grazia Andreassi, Lucia Venneri, Eugenio Picano
The ultrasonic boom—Focus on health and safety
Alastair McKinlay
Plenary discussion—Experimental studies sessions I and II
S.D. Bouffler, R.D. Saunders
The enhancement of bone regeneration by ultrasound
Lutz Claes, Bettina Willie
Epidemiological prenatal ultrasound studies
Kjell Å. Salvesen
Medical diagnostic applications and sources
T.A. Whittingham
Rapporteur report: Mechanisms and interactions
Timothy G. Leighton
Shear stress in cells generated by ultrasoundJunru WuDevelopments in ultrasound—Non-medical
Timothy J. Mason
Rapporteur report: Epidemiology
Wei Zhang
Medical ultrasound imaging
Jørgen Arendt Jensen
Ultrasound, microbubbles and the blood–brain barrier
Stephen Meairs, Angelika Alonso
William D. O’Brien Jr.
Quantification of risk from fetal exposure to diagnostic ultrasound
Charles C. Church, Morton W. Miller
Overview of experimental studies of biological effects of medical ultrasound caused by gas body activation and inertial cavitation
Douglas L. Miller
Medical and non-medical protection standards for ultrasound and infrasound
Francis A. Duck
Effects of shear stress on endothelial cells: Possible relevance for ultrasound applications
E. Van Bavel
What is ultrasound?
Timothy G. Leighton
Therapeutic applications of ultrasound
Gail ter Haar
Ultrasound and matter—Physical interactions
Victor F. Humphrey
Vibroacoustic disease: Biological effects of infrasound and low-frequency noise explained by mechanotransduction cellular signalling
Mariana Alves-Pereira, Nuno A. Castelo Branco
Epidemiological studies on adverse effects of prenatal ultrasound—Which are the challenges?
H. Kieler
Rapporteur report: Basics and technology and metrology and standards
Jeffrey W. Hand
Metrology for ultrasonic applications
Bajram Zeqiri
Rapporteur report: Roundup, discussion and recommendations
Zenon Sienkiewicz
What is infrasound?
Geoff Leventhall
Cardiac imaging: The biological effects of diagnostic cardiac ultrasound
Maria Grazia Andreassi, Lucia Venneri, Eugenio Picano
The ultrasonic boom—Focus on health and safety
Alastair McKinlay
Plenary discussion—Experimental studies sessions I and II
S.D. Bouffler, R.D. Saunders
The enhancement of bone regeneration by ultrasound
Lutz Claes, Bettina Willie
Epidemiological prenatal ultrasound studies
Kjell Å. Salvesen
Medical diagnostic applications and sources
T.A. Whittingham
Rapporteur report: Mechanisms and interactions
Timothy G. Leighton
Shear stress in cells generated by ultrasoundJunru WuDevelopments in ultrasound—Non-medical
Timothy J. Mason
Rapporteur report: Epidemiology
Wei Zhang
Medical ultrasound imaging
Jørgen Arendt Jensen
Ultrasound, microbubbles and the blood–brain barrier
Stephen Meairs, Angelika Alonso